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Post Partum Newborn Specialists

What is a Newborn Care Specialist?

Previously known as a baby nurse, a Newborn care specialist is an experienced trained infant/newborn specialist who comes into your home in the first weeks of your infants life to assist mom and dad with the day-to-day care of their new baby. Newborn care specialist work 24-hour days, meaning, they are on-call at all times to care for the baby. A baby nurse educates the new parents on caring for their new infant, assists in establishing a routine eating/sleeping/wake schedule for the baby and provides lactation consulting to breastfeeding mothers. We represent the top Newborn Care Specialist across the country who come with letters of recommendation an extensive list of previous clients that you are welcome to see and call.

What is the difference between a Doula and a Newborn Care Specialist?

A baby Nurse and a Doula are not to be confused. A doula wears many hats and does not have the extensive training that a Newborn care specialist has. A doula does the cooking, cleaning, cares for the post-partum mother and also helps with the baby. A Newborn care specialist specifically is an infant specialist and educator to the new parents regarding their new baby. A Newborn care specialist doesn't do any housekeeping and their sole responsibility is providing top-notch professional care to your new infant.

Why do I need a Newborn Care Specialist?

What a Newborn Care Specialist will do for you and your baby will be unbeatable by any family member or close friend. Newborn care specialist are trained professionals who have made a career out of the newborn care for babies. Clients continually call us after giving birth with complete astonishment claiming, "there is no way to anticipate what it will be like those first few days and weeks after you give birth and the importance and relief having a Newborn Care Specialist gave me." Of course grandma, an aunt or close friend will bring you loving care and support you need in those first few weeks, but, the condition of your home, health and baby after one of Nanny Poppinz™ Newborn Care Specialists completes their tenure in your home will leave you speechless!

What can I expect from a Newborn Care Specialist?

In general, due to the high demand of our top Newborn Care Specialist, they are usually booked four to six months in advance of your due date. In the months leading up to your due date, your newborn care specialist will be in constant contact with you, monitoring your progress and discussing your individualized needs. In addition, your Newborn care specialist will send you helpful information for you and baby on the way. In general, your Newborn care specialist can be waiting for you and your new arrival upon the homecoming from the hospital, or can accompany you from the hospital, it's entirely your preference. Many clients choose to have their Newborn care specialist come to the home one to two days before mom and baby arrive at home in order to get the nursery and home in order for the homecoming. Once the baby arrives, your Newborn care specialist will work with you to establish your expectations and routine. Hiring a Newborn care specialist will mean more rest for the new mom and dad, therefore, a quicker recovery time.

How long do I have a Newborn Care Specialist in our home?

The duration of the Newborn care specialist's time in your home will be your decision. We suggest a minimum of ten days in order for you and your baby to receive the optimum benefit of a Newborn care specialist's stay. The average is 14-90 days. Though, we have seen Newborn care specialist in homes for up to six months! It's whatever fits best in your situation. For additional questions on how long you should hire a newborn care specialist for, please contact us directly, 1-877-262-6694.

How much does a Newborn Care Specialists cost?

Each individual Newborn care specialist sets their own daily rate based on their experience and expertise. In general the daily rate for a single baby is $300-400 and for twins is $450-500. It's important to remember that if you break down the hourly cost, a single baby would be approximately $25 per hour and twins $35 per hour. R.N.'s make $40 per hour on up and most do not have the extensive infant experience that our Newborn care specialist have.

Are Newborn Care Specialists really Baby Nurses?

Nanny Poppinz™ requires a Newborn care specialist to have a minimum of five (5) years hands-on experience with Newborns for a minimum of five years. Some Newborn care specialists may get their start as a maternity nurse, but are not nurses from a hospital setting. Though, some do have a medical background which adds to their expertise. Again, Newborn care specialists are infant care specialists and are Infant CPR and First Aid certified.

What if I have a special needs baby or a baby on a monitor?

Because of the wide range in background of Nanny Poppinz™ Newborn Care Specialists, most have experience with multiples, breathing machines, special needs and high-risk pregnancies. We will search for a Newborn care specialist based on your specific needs.